Thursday 19 April 2007

"Why do you shake it? It will come out!"

Yesterday, we ate pizza for dinner. As I have developed a liking for spicy food, I like eating the pizza with a spicy sauce. As I was vigorously shaking the bottle, Marian had an alarming look in her face and said "why are you shaking it? It will come out!" She was worried because she has seen an accident when the contents came out due to the top not being screwed on properly. I had to assure her that the top was securely screwed and that I shook it to get an even consistency.

It appears that her English is currently the most fluent. Korean and Japanese are roughly the same which is a puzzle when you consider that she hears Japanese more than the Korean. Perhaps this is because she has heard more Korean when she was in the womb? Perhaps she can pick up what her mother says more easily than when other people talk to her? Anyway, as the books say, children seem to be able to separate the languages and do not jumble or mix them up.

1 comment:

anastasia robin said...

I'm sure Eugene still mixes languages.