Tuesday 14 October 2008

Empathy in 14 month old

I have not written for quite some time now. Bringing up two children is much more difficult than just one. I have renewed respect for any parent looking after more than two children.

Just a quick note. I was throwing Eugene up in the air and catching him. He was squealing with joy. When I told him it is Marian's tern, he started to scream with disapproval. But as soon as I performed the same manoeuvres, he started squealing again. Perhaps you may say that he was just copying Marian's squeals but I thought he was genuinely empathising.

Sunday 9 September 2007


Marian was pretty thoughtful today. We were all eating at the dinner table except me. I was feeding her. She said to me whether I am hungry and that I should eat as well.

Also the other day she was playing with two boys in the neighbourhood. She was taking great care with the younger one. She had her hands guarding the boy so that she could cushion a fall if he for example tripped over.

Saturday 18 August 2007

(Continued from previous post) How about hand gestures?

Even hand gestures don't work. I am very disappointed in you.

I must find the optimal strategy that will keep my energy expenditure to a minimum. Simple. Stay calm and let my eyes do the talking.

Don't they look happy without me.

You look as though you've seen a ghost.

To get my point across, I have only one strategy. Cry. I will send a warning now.

No one has taken any notice so I must charge up fully. Ready, steady....


Isn't that enough to get your attention? I give up. I must find another way.

Friday 17 August 2007

More pics

A close up.

He has put on a lot of weight.

A rare calm moment. Possibly plotting his next assault.

I wish you stop crying.

I will give you this chess piece if you stop crying. Alas, he did not. She did try to give it (missed the opportunity to take the photo) but she retracted her hand when the crying intensified.


Don't they look good together?

Be gentle

Be gentle with me. I'm only little.